Beautiful Granny Square

Granny squares hold a special place in the hearts of crocheters worldwide. They’re more than just simple squares of yarn; they’re a symbol of tradition, creativity, and endless possibilities. With their rich history and timeless appeal, granny squares continue to captivate both seasoned artisans and newcomers to the craft. In this article, we’ll delve into the beauty of granny squares, exploring their origins, versatility, and how you can incorporate them into your crochet projects to add charm and elegance.

I present to your attention a cool two-color pattern based on the “Granny Square” principle in a new way. It’s very easy and simple to execute, you don’t even need a diagram, just remember two lines. With this pattern, you can knit not only a square but also a rectangle, a circle, a triangle, just use your imagination and direct the knitting in the right direction…

I don’t think it’s worth talking about the use of this square because it’s already clear that you can knit anything from clothes to seats, blankets, and quilts. When you like something, the work goes well…

Beautiful Granny Square

Beautiful Granny Square

I will knit with two-color yarn: a pink yarn will serve as the main color, and the second will be a contrasting raspberry yarn.

We knit all odd rows with a pink yarn, st.s/n, all even rows we knit with a contrasting color yarn, st.s/n.

Take a pink yarn (you can choose your preferred color) and make a slip ring (magic ring).

1st row – 2 ch (replace 1 dc), 2 dc * 2 ch, 3 dc – repeat 3 times * 2 ch. There are 12 dc in total; finish the row with a slip stitch in the 2nd ch. We do not cut the yarn. Leave a longer loop so that the yarn does not unravel; we obtain a square in the corners of which 2 ch loops are knitted.

Beautiful Granny Square


We use a contrasting color yarn (I have raspberry).

2nd row – 1 sc * 1 dc under the arch between 1st and 2nd dc of the previous row – 2 ch – 1 dc under the arch between 2nd and 3rd dc of the previous row – 3 ch (corner of the square) – repeat 3 times * finish the row with slip stitches. in the 1st dc. We do not cut the yarn. Leave a longer loop so that the yarn does not unravel.

👉 Note. In all subsequent even rows, we knit single crochets under the arch between single crochets of the previous row. Between single crochets, we make 2 ch, in the corners of the square, we make 3 ch.

Beautiful Granny Square


We take the pink working yarn and place it under the arch of the last corner of the square.

Beautiful Granny Square


In the 3rd row, we knit the corners of the square.

3rd row – 2 ch (replaces 1 dc) – 2 dc – * 1 dc – 3 dc (in the angle of the next arch) – 2 dc – 3 dc (in the same arch) – repeat 2 more times * – 1 ch – 3 dc (in the corner of the last arch) – 2 dc. Finish the row with slip stitches. in the 2nd ch. At the end, leave a longer loop. The square now has sides (2 ch loops arcs). 👉 Note. At the beginning of the row, we always draw a contrasting yarn in even rows under the arch between the 1st and 2nd double crochets of the previous row. The main color yarn at the beginning of odd rows is always passed under the arch of the last corner. See above.

Beautiful Granny Square


4th row – * pull the yarn (secure, it becomes 1 sc) – 2 ch – 1 sc – 2 ch (side of the square) – 1 sc – 2 ch – 1 sc – 3 ch (corner of a square) * – repeat 3 more times. Finish the row with slip stitches. in the first sc at the beginning of the row. 4 rows.


Beautiful Granny Square


Beautiful Granny Square


Next, we continue knitting to the desired size, alternating rows 3 and 4. The square has sides.


Line 5 👉 Note. In the corners of the square, we make 2 sc, 1 ch on each side. In the corners’ arches, we knit 2 pairs of double crochets and 2 sc between them. On the sides of each arch, we knit 3 double crochets and 1 ch between them. Note that with each row, the sides of the square become larger.

This is the kind of beauty we get. Decide for yourself which color will finish the square; you can make it light or dark, and it looks beautiful either way, no matter how you look at it…

Beautiful Granny Square

Beautiful Granny Square

In a world that often feels fast-paced and ephemeral, the enduring beauty of the granny square serves as a timeless reminder of the power of craft and creativity to connect us across generations and cultures. Whether you’re a seasoned crocheter or just picking up your first hook, the granny square invites you to slow down, savor the process, and find joy in the simple act of creation. So pick up your yarn and hook, and let the magic of the granny square unfold as you stitch your own masterpiece, one square at a time.

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